(Español) Septiembre 2021 - EL PAcCTO

(Español) Septiembre 2021

13 January 2022


Young people facing crime: a stake in their future

The second edition of La hora de EL PAcCTO will take place on 30 September and will be inaugurated by the European Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen. It can be followed by Zoom and YouTube


EL PAcCTO participates in the meeting by the Technical Commission of Justice Ministers from Mercosur

The EU programme presented the European experience in relation to the international protection of female witnesses and victims of organised crime


Chile and EL PAcCTO, working together against organised crime

The Chilean institutions and EL PAcCTO have met to consolidate their collaborative network and explore new ways to work together


The Interinstitutional Technical Committees are consolidated as a strategy to fight organised crime

The objective is to promote the application of alternative measures to imprisonment in the Latin American countries


Operation Link II: fighting against trafficking in medicines

The AMERIPOL support project participates in the presentation of the results from Operation Link II to combat prescription drug trafficking


Advances in the institutional and operational strengthening of the Chilean Gendarmerie

The Gendarmerie in the Latin American country confronts the attempts by transnational organised crime to infiltrate the prison system


Este boletín ha sido elaborado con financiación de la Unión Europea. Su contenido es solo responsabilidad del programa “EL PAcCTO” y no refleja necesariamente las opiniones de la Unión Europea.
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