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El PAcCTO - Newsletter

June 2021



(Español) Consolidar las alianzas entre los sistemas judiciales de la UE y América Latina en la lucha contra la criminalidad organizada

(Español) El II Encuentro de Instituciones de Justicia de la Unión Europea y América Latina que organiza el programa de la UE EL PAcCTO se celebra del 28 al 30 de junio en Lisboa, en el ámbito de la Presidencia portuguesa del Consejo de la Unión Europea.


EL PAcCTO meets with the highest authorities of the institutions responsible for the fight against crime in Ecuador

A delegation from EL PAcCTO was in Ecuador from 31 May to 4 June to attend working meetings with some of the nation’s most senior authorities. Together with the Delegation of the European Union in Ecuador, the main objective was to present the programme to the new authorities and establish new targets for the coming months.



The LA/EU Bi-regional Penitentiary Academies Network is delivering results

The meeting discussed the attendees’ priorities along with topics to which special attention will be devoted this month; in particular, the issues related to differentiated circuit courts, dynamic security and the fight against TOC infiltration in penitentiary systems.


EL PAcCTO participates in the international Symposium "Disruptive Ideas against Organised Crime"

The activity was managed by the Attorney General of Colombia. Several international experts took part, including Lorenzo Tordelli from EL PAcCTO.


The majority of EL PAcCTO Focal Points in Latin America think that their country is better prepared to fight crime thanks to the programme

EL PAcCTO has carried out an evaluation exercise to garner the opinion of the Focal Points (i.e. contact persons) of the programme’s partner institutions in Latin America. The main objective of this survey was to find out their opinion on the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the programme’s strategy and the results obtained. Our ultimate aim was to evaluate ourselves based on the opinion of the programme’s partner institutions.


(Español) Hacia una estrategia común de justicia entre la UE y América Latina


(Español) ¿Qué opinan los Puntos Focales de EL PAcCTO?



(Español) COMJIB, AIAMP, Cumbre Judicial y EL PAcCTO

(Español) Hacia una estrategia común de justicia entre la Unión Europea y América Latina para afrontar los nuevos desafíos del crimen transnacional organizado

(Español) Los líderes de la COMJIB, AIAMP y Cumbre Judicial Iberoamericana firman una carta conjunta en la que se comprometen a buscar espacios de diálogo con la UE para fortalecer la cooperación judicial entre las dos regiones.

Giovanni Tartaglia
Prison systems component coordinator of EL PAcCTO

The capture of Morabito and organised crime in Brazil

In the capture operation, Carabinieri from Italy’s special departments have worked alongside the International Police Cooperation Service, Brazil’s Federal Police, the US DEA and Interpol.

A gender perspective

Constance Rava
EL PAcCTO Monitoring and Assessment Specialist

Latin American institutions consider the gender approach essential in fighting organised crime

A survey of 88 representatives of Latin American institutions conducted by the programme indicates that inclusion of the gender perspective is important, a priority, and necessary in order to analyse and effectively address the threats posed by organised crime. EL PAcCTO will design a Gender Strategy to strengthen this perspective in its strategy.


12 July - 17July

Presentation of the Latin American Transnational Organised Crime Threat Assessment - IDEAL