EL PAcCTO’s Covid Channel is created
Europa and latin america / Covid-19

EL PAcCTO’s Covid Channel is created

26 March 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is conditioning our societies, our institutions and the very health of the people who make them up, both in Latin America and in the European Union.

At EL PAcCTO, we have adopted a Contingency Plan to minimise the impact of this crisis. Also, and especially, to develop useful, timely and effective mechanisms in the fight against the pandemic.

In this sense, we have created the “Covid Channel“. This is a set of initiatives with a shared purpose: to exchange experiences between institutions of the European Union and Latin America in the fight against the crisis.

Exchange of experiences on the fight against Covid-19

On the one hand, it is about taking advantage of the specialised networks that have already been created to carry out communications that better prepare institutions. For example, this week the coordinator of the network of specialised cybercrime police will disseminate information on cyber-scams and malware distribution related to Covid-19. The network, promoted by EL PAcCTO, unites the police from the two regions, which will benefit from the exchange of updated and verified information to deal with Covid-19.

Communication channel against Covid-19

On the other hand, a strategic communication channel will be offered between institutions of both regions (security forces, public ministries, judicial powers, prison administrations and others) to exchange experiences of all kinds in the fight against the pandemic.

From EL PAcCTO, we will support these initiatives in two ways: by hiring trusted experts from institutions that facilitate communication. Also with the creation of a specific section on our website called, succinctly, Canal Covid.

We stay connected.

#CanalCovidELPAcCTO #SomosELPAcCTO