AIAMP and EL PAcCTO reinforce their relationship to strengthen cooperation in the region - EL PAcCTO
Latin America / Cooperation between justice systems

AIAMP and EL PAcCTO reinforce their relationship to strengthen cooperation in the region

06 November 2020

EL PAcCTO participated in the 28th Ordinary General Assembly of the Ibero-American Association of Public Prosecutors, which was held virtually. This year the Assembly has emphasised the impact of the global health crisis on the criminal justice system. A scenario in which international coordination and cooperation are essential.

In the opening ceremony, Chile’s National Prosecutor, Jorge Abbott, who has presided over AIAMP since the end of 2019, highlighted that cooperation has been the key factor, an area in which the support of strategic partners is essential. “The continuity of AIAMP’s work in the midst of the pandemic is a clear reflection of the high level of commitment of the institutions that make up the Association, and the conviction that by working together we can execute our functions and fulfil our mission in a better way. The Ibero-American Association of Public Ministries has promoted and will continue to strongly promote the importance of the autonomy and independence of Public Ministries as principles that ensure due process and access to justice,” Abbott pointed out.

For her part, the Prosecutor-General of the Kingdom of Spain, Dolores Delgado, who serves as the Technical Secretariat of AIAMP, stressed that “criminal cooperation based on the bonds of trust that have been generated within AIAMP have allowed the exchange of experiences to ensure access to justice especially for the most vulnerable groups”. Likewise, she assured that the Public Prosecutor’s Offices are called to be key actors in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and especially in the SDG 16+ to achieve peaceful, just and inclusive societies. “The work we do within AIAMP is essential to joining forces in the defence of victims, the fight against corruption and all forms of discrimination, and the defence of the most basic social rights. In addition, we must redouble our efforts to prevent and address gender-based violence, especially against women and girls and boys during the global emergency caused by COVID-19,” she stressed.

EL PAcCTO reaffirms its commitment to work with AIAMP

The coordinator of the Cooperation between Justice Systems component of EL PAcCTO participated in the meeting. Antonio Roma presented the lines of work developed by EL PAcCTO with AIAMP. In the first place, he highlighted the importance of the meeting held virtually last month with the entities that bring together the justice institutions in Latin America and Europe. In addition, a very important joint work perspective opens up for the programme with AIAMP and other institutions in key matters such as the preparation of international requests for international cooperation, the regulation of data protection, electronic evidence and the definition and promotion of the creation of joint investigation teams.

Antonio Roma presented the programme’s support for the networks, especially after the approval in the previous session of the regulations within the framework of AIAMP. EL PAcCTO has supported and will continue to support networks and groups (REDCOOP, drugs, environment, corruption, cybercrime, laundering, domain extinction and seizures, etc.).

Finally, he pointed out that the programme has worked to improve prosecution units in coordination with other national institutions in matters such as economic crimes, human trafficking, etc., and especially, international cooperation, environment and cybercrime.

“EL PAcCTO key in strengthening AIAMP”

The conclusions document by AIAMP refers to EL PAcCTO as a “major international project aimed at strengthening the capacities of the region that has contributed to the strengthening of our association and notably improved each of our institutions”

Furthermore, AIAMP considers attendance at the meeting of justice associations from Latin America and the European Union organised by EL PAcCTO and scheduled for next year as a priority. According to AIAMP, its assistance consolidates its position and “that of all Ibero-American justice as a strategic partner of the EU in terms of international cooperation.”

In the conclusions, AIAMP also mentions the EU EUROsociAL programme as a key partner in strengthening the institution in the region.