(Español) Marzo 2022 - EL PAcCTO

(Español) Marzo 2022

06 April 2022


Police and prosecutors from 17 countries in Latin America and the European Union combine their efforts to raise awareness about the most common investment scams involving cryptocurrencies

“FakeCoins: cryptocurrency scams” is a communication and awareness campaign launched by the European Union EL PAcCTO programme and the CibEL@ network. The objective is to alert the public to the main scams with cryptocurrencies detected on both sides of the Atlantic


A total of 13 countries from Latin America and Europe address drug trafficking routes and practices between the regions

The activity enabled law enforcement representatives to share operational information that will improve future police activity in countries that produce and transport drugs and in the final destinations.


The ARCO Network activates mechanisms for law enforcement intelligence operations between Latin America and Europe

The network is made up of specialised police officers from 16 countries in Latin America and Europe specialised in fighting arms trafficking, whose mission is to dismantle organised crime.


The Network of Prison Academies meets in Uruguay to improve institutional coordination

Attendees will also witness the inauguration ceremony of the National Institute for Adolescent Social Inclusion in Uruguay by its president.


New results of EL PAcCTO: prosecutors specialised in cultural heritage and improved international judicial assistance

In a week of work in Peru, the programme promotes greater efficiency in coordination among institutions in various areas


Jurisdictional units specialised in organised crime for Latin America

In a workshop organised by EL PAcCTO, Latin American and European representatives reflect on the need to promote these specialised units.


The memorandum for the creation of a Specialised Smuggling Team is signed in Panama

The EME promoted by EL PAcCTO will coordinate the work of the institutions in charge of this offence during the next two years.


Nine of the region’s most wanted fugitives arrested in global operation

The arrests took place over one week of intense cooperation between investigators from 12 countries.


First REDCOPEN webinar on data systems

The virtual activity has served to share information and experiences on how to develop a common data system for more effective prison management in Latin America.


Police dismantle a transnational endangered fish smuggling network

The National Police Directorate of Carabineers in Colombia, in coordination with EL PAcCTO, has seized 20,000 native fish from the Colombian Amazon destined for sale as ornamental fish in Europe, Asia and the United States.


Ministers and Vice-Ministers from seven Latin American countries set up the Latin American Internal Security Committee

They have signed in Brussels the political declaration to form CLASI, a Committee promoted by the EL PAcCTO to coordinate public policies against crime in Latin America


Este boletín ha sido elaborado con financiación de la Unión Europea. Su contenido es solo responsabilidad del programa “EL PAcCTO” y no refleja necesariamente las opiniones de la Unión Europea.
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