(Español) Mayo 2022 - EL PAcCTO

(Español) Mayo 2022

21 June 2022


Panama launches the catalogue of protected fauna and flora species most trafficked in Panama

The catalogue includes photographs and technical data that will enable the identification of the most trafficked species.


EL PAcCTO promotes an EME to combat environmental crimes

The team will make it possible to coordinate the work carried out between the Police and the Bolivian Prosecutor's Office to deal more effectively with this type of crime


Contribution of 2.5 million euros from the EU to help Ecuador's prison crisis

Brussels approves the aid with emergency funds. It will be used to improve the classification of persons deprived of liberty and in the training of prison staff.



“Indigenous women and children are getting sick because of mercury”

We interviewed Alessandra Korap, an indigenous activist from the Mundurukú people in Brazil, who highlights the leading role of women in protecting their lands.


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