Consultancy for the creation of Bolivia's Environmental EME - EL PAcCTO
  • Bolivia / Interinstitutional coordination
    Consultancy for the creation of Bolivia's Environmental EME

    During a mission to Bolivia organized in October 2021, the Bolivian Police and the Bolivian Attorney General’s Office asked the EL PAcCTO program to support them in the creation of an EME against environmental crimes (EME Ambiental) with the aim of establishing a specialized structure to fight environmental crime and protect biodiversity in the country. This structure would initially focus on wildlife crime.

    The present activity is focused on supporting the creation of the Environmental EME, mainly with the development and signing of the inter-institutional agreement.

    The general objectives will be:

    * Strengthening of the investigation processes of the specialized units of law enforcement agencies and harmonization of procedures and techniques for police and judicial treatment among Latin American countries.
    * Support for the development of a coordination and information exchange mechanism between Latin American law enforcement agencies.
    * Strengthen coordination between the Police, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of the Environment in environmental crime investigations.
    * Formal institutionalization of mechanisms for joint work between the entities responsible for environmental crimes.
    * Development of joint operations between Latin America and EU Member States in collaboration with EUROPOL.