Webinar on "Vulnerable Audiences" - Indigenous Communities - EL PAcCTO
  • Latin America / Penitentiary systems
    Webinar on "Vulnerable Audiences" - Indigenous Communities

    This activity is born in the general framework of improving the management and treatment of special risk groups, in particular: women; LGBTI+ people; indigenous people; the elderly; and children living with their mothers in prison. An intersectional approach will be taken into account to contemplate the confluence of vulnerability factors.

    After the webinars on LGBTI and youth audiences, the third edition will be dedicated to the management and treatment of indigenous communities.


    The general objectives are:

    •  To increase knowledge and skills in human rights in the prison sector, in particular on the management and treatment of groups in special condition of risk as a strategy to decrease the risk of recruitment by the CTO.


    The specific objectives are:

    •  To share good practices and recommendations on the subject.
    • To learn about the specificity of the relationship between Justice and Indigenous Communities.
    • Strengthen the tools of prison systems to protect the rights of this public in particular with respect to the threat of CTO.


    The webinar will have a duration of 2 hours and will be developed through a collaborative and participatory methodology that will seek to share experiences and good practices and make a common contribution on the progress in this area. The States that make up the RAP will be present.