Peru / Police Cooperation
Working meeting of the Arco Network and synergies with the European Union's Empact on Firearms
Following up on all the work developed in previous years and the joint work with the European Union’s Empact on Firearms, a working meeting of the Arco Network is launched, which will allow the resumption of ties between the countries that make up the network, discuss possible cases that can be nurtured in joint investigations, as well as the possibility of forming Specialized Multidisciplinary Teams (EMEs), Joint Investigation Teams (ECIs) between the countries of the region, the plan of activities for the year 2022 will be jointly discussed and carried out.
Among some of the objectives will be:
- Strengthen the capacities of police institutions in the control and intervention of firearms, as well as the investigation of arms trafficking;
- Strengthen intra-country, inter-institutional and inter-country information exchange mechanisms;
- Coordination of actions with the European Union’s Firearms and Interpol and support concrete practical actions.
This line of work consolidates the activities carried out in the years of 2018, 2019, 2020, which have served to lay the groundwork for the activities carried out in 2021 that are fundamentally multi-country, so that the next steps of the Arco Network in 2022 can be discussed and agreed upon.
The meeting will be attended by experts from the security forces of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay (the designated points of contact for the Network of police specialized in firearms) and European countries; experts from the security forces of different countries of the European Union that are involved, the leader of the Firearms EMPACT; Ameripol, Europol and Interpol and Driver of the Firearms EMPACT.