El Salvador requested technical assistance from EL PAcCTO relating to its prison staff to improve and strengthen the contents of the training given to officials. To achieve this, EL PAcCTO was joined by the ENAP (National Penitentiary Administration School) in France and its Salvadoran colleagues in the DGCP(General Directorate for Penal Centres). After analysing the priorities, the French experts have run three virtual courses to reinforce the training given to directors and deputy directors at the penal centres. The courses focused on the following content:
After the success the courses have had, they have been extended to prison administration officials from other countries who have shown an interest, including Chile, Ecuador and Uruguay.
Exchange of experiences between the EU and Latin America
This is just one of the actions carried out by EL PAcCTO’s Penitentiary Systems component in its effort to strengthen cooperation between the penitentiary administrations in the two regions.
This year, these virtual training courses will be the first training products to be shared with all the countries that joined the AL-EU Penitentiary Academies Network (RAP) promoted by EL PAcCTO.