April 2020 - EL PAcCTO

April 2020

04 May 2020


COVID Channel: Sharing information to save lives

The COVID Channel, launched by EL PAcCTO, is already active among security forces, justice and prison systems in Europe and Latin America.


The pandemic in the prisons: how to deal with the emergency together

The Penitentiary Systems component of the EL PAcCTO Programme organised three webinars on the health crisis in April.


New ways of acting and new strategies against crime

EL PAcCTO, with the support of the Civil Guard and the French National Police, has made an analysis of criminal activity during the COVID-19 crisis.


COVID 19 and sanitary waste

Covid-19 has other types of consequences which are already obvious in the amount of sanitary waste produced as a result of the health emergency.



The COVID-19 crisis: a gender perspective

The heroines of everyday life are often forgotten when decisions are being made.


Initial measures adopted in Spain in matters of justice

All countries have established judicial measures to try to alleviate the crisis created by COVID-19. In this post, we explain how it has been done in Spain.



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05 May 2020

05 May 2020

Webinar "The problem of sanitary waste management and the EUROPOL Retrovirus Operation"

06 May 2020

06 May 2020

Webinar "Judicial Measures to Reduce Overcrowding in Prisons"

Este boletín ha sido elaborado con financiación de la Unión Europea. Su contenido es solo responsabilidad del programa “EL PAcCTO” y no refleja necesariamente las opiniones de la Unión Europea.
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