(Español) Noviembre 2020 - EL PAcCTO

(Español) Noviembre 2020

05 February 2021


Presentation of a Contingency Plan to manage the pandemic in prisons

EL PAcCTO has organised a virtual activity to present the Contingency Plan that two Latin American experts have drawn up with the aim of raising awareness and minimising the risk of the spread of the disease in prisons.


AIAMP and EL PAcCTO reinforce their relationship to strengthen cooperation in the region

EL PAcCTO has participated in the 28th Ordinary General Assembly of AIAMP held virtually this year due to the health crisis.


Operation Spencer against international reptile trafficking

The investigation was led by Spain's SEPRONA in association with Europol, EU Member States and an number of Latin American countries through the Jaguar Network.


Operation APOLO against illegal gold mining in Colombia

The dismantling of a criminal structure that extracted and trafficked in gold from Colombia to Ecuador, Peru and the United States.


Launch of a Network of Prison Academies between the European Union and Latin America

Prison system representatives of Latin America and Europe have met virtually to develop a tool that will serve to professionalise prison staff.


EL PAcCTO: Support to AMERIPOL participates in the XII AMERIPOL Summit

During the summit, the balance of last year's management and the keys to its future were presented.



The virus in prisons: coordination and contingency plans

The health crisis has changed the way that many prisons in Latin America and Europe are managed. Even so, there is a need to take contingency plans further, so that they include collaboration protocols between prisons and health institutions in Latin American countries.



02 Dec 2020

02 Dec 2020

Virtual Consulting in Differentiated Penitentiary Circuits

Este boletín ha sido elaborado con financiación de la Unión Europea. Su contenido es solo responsabilidad del programa “EL PAcCTO” y no refleja necesariamente las opiniones de la Unión Europea.
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