(Español) Noviembre 2021 - EL PAcCTO

(Español) Noviembre 2021

13 January 2022


Latin America and the European Union pledge to work together to tackle crime finance

At the end of the event, the “Declaration of Panama” was read. This reflects the concern of the attending countries for this phenomenon and includes specific work measures.


Eleven countries in Latin America and Europe come together to raise awareness regarding the sexual abuse of minors online

The campaign, coordinated by the ELIPSIA network and supported by EL PAcCTO, is aimed at young people aged between eight and 17 with a twin aim: to raise awareness regarding the problem among those who may be affected and promote reporting of this abuse.


Panama creates an Inter-institutional Technical Committee to expedite international legal cooperation with the support of EL PAcCTO

The European Union programme, EL PAcCTO, has promoted a Committee of Central Authorities for International Cooperation to promote coordination against crime.


EL PAcCTO results for the first semester of 2021 are now available

The results sheet shows the most significant achievements of the programme during the first half of this year, as well as the most notable advances of this period.


Fifteen people arrested during an anti-drugs operation in Honduras

The operation was possible thanks to the support of EL PAcCTO, which has trained researchers in communications intervention techniques.


Network sexually exploiting Paraguayan women in France dismantled

The European EL PAcCTO programme has supported a joint operation between Europe and Paraguay thanks to the activities of the LYNX network of police officers specialising in the fight against trafficking.


Este boletín ha sido elaborado con financiación de la Unión Europea. Su contenido es solo responsabilidad del programa “EL PAcCTO” y no refleja necesariamente las opiniones de la Unión Europea.
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