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  • Police Cooperation

    Police Cooperation

    The fight against organised crime is an international challenge because there are no borders and there is no limit on criminals’ imagination when it comes to committing crimes. The overall goal of the Police Cooperation Cooperation of EL PAcCTO is to strengthen the police services responsible ...

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    Police Cooperation
  • Cooperation among Justice Systems

    Cooperation among Justice Systems

    The characteristics of organised crime are its international dimension, its significant economic volume and the complexity of its operations. They are detrimental to the general economy, weaken institutions and cause public insecurity and other social problems. The investigation and prosecution ...

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    Cooperation among Justice Systems
  • Penitentiary Systems

    Penitentiary Systems

    Latin American prisons have a high rate of overcrowding and present a diffuse infiltration of criminal organisations that often transform them into real schools of crime. The general objectives of the Penitentiary Systems component of EL PAcCTO are to improve penitentiary management systems, the ...

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    Penitentiary Systems
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Action area

See countries

The objective of EL PAcCTO is to provide technical assistance to 18 Latin American countries in the fight against organized crime.    

See countries women protect their lands against criminal groups


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  • EL PAcCTO Footprint
    EL PAcCTO Footprint

    Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.

  • Final Meeting EL PAcCTO
    Final Meeting EL PAcCTO

    After five and a half years of work, the European Union's EL PAcCTO programme presented its results at an event in Buenos Aires. It marks the end of a first stage of collaboration between the two ...

  • Shared Justice Policy Cycle between the European Union and Latin America, what is it? what are the objectives?
    Shared Justice Policy Cycle between the European Union and Latin America, what is it? what are the objectives?

    In this episode we discuss the objectives and the roadmap of the Shared Justice Policy Cycle between the European Union and Latin America, which has been promoted by EL PAcCTO. Latin American ...

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